
Kranabethhütte Feuerkogel

At 5,019 feet (1.530 m) altitude you will find a quaint chalet atmosphere ...

  • breathtaking views
  • affordable lodging
  • and a very good location for your wedding

Why you want to work with us

Professional care, many years of experience, unique location

Why we love what we do

Landlord Heinz Gröller spent his entire life in the tourism industry and has lots of fun, now retired, continuing what he does best.

Kranabethhütte Feuerkogel

Feuerkogel 9
4802 Ebensee

+43 6133 40 519
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Kranabethhuette Essen
Kranabethhuette Feuerkogel Seilbahn
Kranabethhuette Jagahuat
Kranabethhuette Luftaufnahme


Hochzeitsgemeinschaft sagJA-im-Salzkammergut
4810 Gmunden - Austria

Contact: Gabi Socher
+43 664 4634898
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Becoming a partner

You would like to become a PARTNER of our wedding network sagJA-im-Salzkammergut?

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