

Registry Offices

Registry Office Attersee & Nussdorf

Nussdorfer Straße 1
4864 Attersee

Website town hall of Attersee

Wolfgang Senger +43 7666 7755 74
Ulrike Schiemer +43 7666 7755 73

Registry Office  Altmünster

Marktstraße 21
4813 Altmünster

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Website town hall of Altmünster

Ernst Niedermaier +43 7612 87611-17
Sigrid Pesendorfer-Schmitzberger +43 7612 87611-230

Registry Office  Bad Wimsbach-Neydharting

4654 Bad Wimsbach

+43 7245 25055-13
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Website town hall of Bad Wimsbach-Neydharting

Karin Kölblinger

Registry Office Ebensee

Hauptstraße 34
4802 Ebensee

+43 6133 7051-19
Website town hall of Ebensee

Klaus Preine

Registry Office Grünau im Almtal

Im Dorf 17
4645 Grünau im Almtal

+43 7616 8255-31
Website town hall of Grünau

Christoph Hüthmayr, MBA

Registry Office Kirchham

Kirchham 32
4656 Kirchham

+43 7619 2015-22
Website town hall of Kirchham

Josef Schlager

Registry Office Laakirchen

Rathausplatz 1
4663 Laakirchen

Website town hall of Laakirchen

Manfred Brein +43 7613 8644-220
Margret Neubacher +43 7613 8644-222
Sabrina Ostermann +43 7613 8644-221

Registry Office Ohlsdorf

Wöhrerstraße 2
4694 Ohlsdorf

+43 7612 47255-20
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Website town hall of Ohlsdorf

Andrea Kaiser 

Registry Office Pettenbach

Kirchenplatz 3
4643 Pettenbach

+43 7586 8155-0
Website town hall of Pettenbach


Anneliese Platzer
+43 7586 8155-102
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Steinmaurer Ursula
+43 7586 8155-101
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Registry Office Pinsdorf

Moosweg 3
4812 Pinsdorf

+43 7612 639 55

Website town hall of Pinsdorf

Viktoria Blenk 

Registry Office St. Georgen im Attergau

Attergaustraße 21
4880 St. Georgen im Attergau

+43 7667 6255-16
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Website town hall of St. Georgen

Johann Kieleithner

Schloss Scharnstein

Schlossberg 12
4644 Scharnstein 
+43 664 300 56 77
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Website town hall of Scharnstein

Mag. Harald Seyerl from castle Schloß Scharnstein

Registry Office Scharnstein

Hauptstraße 13
4644 Scharnstein

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Website town hall Scharnstein

Fröch Heidemaria +43 7615 2255-25
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Carina Rosensteiner +43 7615 2255-26
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Registry Office Schörfling

Marktplatz 32
4861 Schörfling

+43 7662 3255-24
Website town hall of Schörfling

Alexandra Hesch
Eva Scherndl


Registry Office Seewalchen

Rathausplatz 1
4863 Seewalchen

Website town hall of Seewalchen

Isolde Zelzer +43 7662 4491-28

Restry Office Stadl-Paura | Kapellerhof

Am Bräuberg 3
4651 Stadl Paura

+43 7245 21126
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Website town hall of Stadl-Paura

Elisabeth Holzinger

Registry Office Steinbach am Attersee

Steinbach 5
4853 Steinbach

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Website town hall of Steinbach

Gertraud Reichl +43 7663 255-11
Sonja Schiemer +43 7665 255-33


Registry Office Steinerkirchen a.d.Traun

Landstrasse 7
4652 Steinerkirchen a.d. Traun 

+43 7241 2255-0

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Website town hall of Steinerkirchen

Petra Zehetner-Ecklbauer (VB I) +43 7241 2255-32
Mag. Eva Raxendorfer-Landl (FH) (VB I) 

Registry OfficeTraunkirchen

Ortsplatz 1
4801 Traunkirchen

+43 7617 2255 -19
Website town hall of Traunkirchen

Barbara Hofmaninger

Registry Office Unterach

Hauptstraße 9
4866 Unterach

+43 7665 8255 11
Website town hall of Unterach

Ernst Herman Vockner

Registry Office Vorchdorf

Schlossplatz 7
4655 Vorchdorf

+43 7614 6555-60
Website town hall of Vorchdorf

Margarete Gasperlmayr

Registry Office Weyregg

Weyregger Straße 69
4852 Weyregg

+43 7664 2255-12
Website town hall of Weyregg

Angelika Gruber


Hochzeitsgemeinschaft sagJA-im-Salzkammergut
4810 Gmunden - Austria

Contact: Gabi Socher
+43 664 4634898
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