That was the 6th sagJA-WeddingNIGHT & -BRUNCH
at the Kitzmantelfabrik in Vorchdorf, Almtal valley
The wonderful partners from sagJA-im-Salzkammergut invited bridal couples to Austria's unique Wedding-Event
sagJA-HochzeitsNACHT & -BRUNCH - October 6 and 7, 2018
Again the Kitzmantelfabrik in Vorchdorf was transformed into a „Wedding-Wonderland“ - guests have been able to get lots of information and inspirations about Weddings & Parties.
In a magic ambience with live-music and culinary sampling - everybody could experienc and enjoy informations and ideas to the theme of wedding and personal events!
Following presentations and demonstrations about weddings could be seen:
- Wedding-papeteries (invitations & more...)
- Bridal styling (hair & make-up)
- Wedding dresses, hats & fascinators, traditional costums and wedding outfits for your guests
- Wedding rings, jewelery and beautiful accessories
- Locations & Wedding-vehicles
- Wedding-decorations - flowers and bouquets
- Creative Wedding photographer and videoteams
- Live-Music for your wedding ceremony and party & DJ
- Culinary delicacies and wedding cakes
- and much more - highlights - Ceremny speakers, childcare, fireworks, fireshows etc.…
and a wonderful amazing raffle with incredible prizes for your wedding!
Everybody got dressed up and enjoyed our unique WeddingNIGHT and WeddingBRUNCH - a party for bridal couples and everybody who likes to celebrate...
sagJA-HochzeitsNACHT with fireshow - Samedi, October 6, 2018 from 6 pm to 12am
sagJA-HochzeitsBRUNCH with children's program - Sunday, October 7 from 10 am to 3 pm
Below you can see some inspirations.
Photo (c) Kerstin Paulus