
Gröller Catering

We cater for events from 20 to 300 people 

... at all kind of locations, but also at the monastery in Traunkirchen, for the Traunsee shipping company and the Castle Württemberg (Schloss Traunsee)

Why you want to work with us

Generations of experience, very flexible, local competence and everything is taken care of firsthand in one place.

Why we love what we do

We love to excite our guestes and to be part of their very special moments

Traunseehotels - Gröller GmbH

Contact: Wolfgang Gröller

Klosterplatz 4
4801 Traunkirchen 
+43 7617 2216
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Groeller Catering


Hochzeitsgemeinschaft sagJA-im-Salzkammergut
4810 Gmunden - Austria

Contact: Gabi Socher
+43 664 4634898
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Becoming a partner

You would like to become a PARTNER of our wedding network sagJA-im-Salzkammergut?

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