
Helmut Wittmann Märchenerzähler

Fairy tales and legends of love, ...

The desire for togetherness and for growing together, which are the common thread of the wedding party

Why you want to work with me

A wealth of stimulating stories full of wit and wisdom - tailor-made for you!

Why I love what I do

Fairy tales playfully show ways to a happy life.



Contact: Helmut Wittmann
Fischereckstraße 30
4645  Grünau im Almtal 
+43 7616 81 07
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Helmut Wittmann Maerchenerzaehler 01
Helmut Wittmann Maerchenerzaehler
Helmut Wittmann Maerchenerzaehler


Hochzeitsgemeinschaft sagJA-im-Salzkammergut
4810 Gmunden - Austria

Contact: Gabi Socher
+43 664 4634898
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