The service for bridal couples who like to DIY but want to have a professional, charming, descreet "good soul" at their side on the wedding day.
Since 2018 we offer a new service called ‚sagJA-WeddingGuides‘ – it is destinated to all bridal couple who want to enjoy their wedding day knowing that there is one person who is in charge for the most important items on the wedding day program. A person with a good spirit, heart and street smartness.
What does a WeddingGuide do
The ‚sagJA-WeddingGuides’ are the modern successors of the master of ceremonies, who have a long tradition in Austria. They take care of the little and big details that make a wedding unique and precious. A WeddingGuide makes sure that the program is on time so that the bridal couple is free to celebrate a perfect wedding. The WeddingGuide can also be the contact for the service providers, the guests, and is at your side with advice and assistence.
The advantage for the bridal couple: You will then be able to fully enjoy your wedding and be with your loved one and your guests, leaving all worries behind.
Why do I need a WeddingGuide
Especially in Austria most of the bridal couples love to do the wedding preparations themselves. But at the very special day it is often the case that they don't want to ask their best friends or parents and siblings to do the "background" work instead to celebrate together. In this case the WeddingGuide is a perfect solution. Just for a few hours or the full day starting with arranging the solemn entering into the church, putting the gifts into a safe place, up to the cleaning up after the wedding party...
SagJA WeddingGuides
Contact: Gabi Socher
4810 Gmunden
+43 664 463 4898
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