
Salzkammergut's Customs, Quirks, and Traditions

Each region has it's own traditions - here are some examples:

  • Schwellbogenaufstellen (Wreath Archway):

On the countryside people retain an old custom. On the eve of the wedding day neighbors install a wreath archway made of fir over the bridal couple’s door. The duty of the neighboring women is to decorate the wreath with crêpe paper flowers and the men install it over the door. This custom is accompanied by a traditional bridal song, a farmer’s snack and celebrated with traditional drinks.


  • Das Brautlied

Die Sonne neiget sich, sie geht zur Ruh,
sie wirft den letzten Blick dir freundlich zu.
Es ist zum letzten Mal, dass dir der Sonnenstrahl,
in deinem Kämmerlein als Braut dir scheint.
Die Sterne ohne Zahl, in ihrer Pracht,
sie wünschen tausendmal,  dir gute Nacht.
Hast du geprüft dein Herz,
treibst du damit nicht Scherz, es ist die letzte Nacht,
junge Braut gib acht.
Blick auf zum lieben Gott und fasse Mut,
er hilft in Angst und Not, er ist so gut.
Er wünscht dir als Himmelsbraut,
nur wahres Glück, ja Glück,
der tief ins Herz dir schaut,
sein milder Blick.

Translation of this Bridal song:

The sun is setting, she goes to sleep,
She takes a last friendly look at you
For the last time the sun ray shines at you as bride
Countless stars in all their glory,
Wish you thousand times good night
Did you check your feelings,
Do they play jokes on you, it is the last night,
Young bride watch out
Look at God and take courage
He helps in fear and need, He is so good,
He wishes you heavenly bride
Only true happiness, yes, happiness
Eying deep into your heart,
With a caring glance.


More traditions:

The wedding day starts early with a gun salute. Bride and groom usually spend the eve of the wedding in separate rooms or at their parent’s home.

Another old custom is that on their way to the church, friends and neighbors block off the road to the church and ask for a toll payment (sweets or drinking a glass of Schnaps with the bridal couple).

A well-loved tradition is also that the bridal couple uses a special car, sports-car, limousine or oldtimer, beautifully decorated with flowers or ribbons, or a carriage.

The “Brautübergabe” takes place at midnight. The bride dances with her father and the groom with his mother, all guests are around in a circle. At one moment during this last symbolic dance together the father of the bride hands his daughter once and for all over to his son-in-law. From this moment on the bridal couple is considered wife and husband and all the guests share this happiness….


Hochzeitsgemeinschaft sagJA-im-Salzkammergut
4810 Gmunden - Austria

Contact: Gabi Socher
+43 664 4634898
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